Download Size: 455.50KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Christian Soffke
Submitted: 2022-10-13 19:03:15
Downloaded 86 times
Interpod Rev. 0
## Turn on "Absolute Point" Touchscreen mode to make use of the touch areas shown in the screenshots.
## I don't have a Q1 at the moment, so the theme has only been tested in the Simulator so far – feedback is always welcome. A version of Rockbox no older than December 12, 2021 is required!
## WPS can display sleep timer, single mode and party mode settings.
## The accent color defaults to pink but is adjustable by changing the Foreground and Line Selector setting in Settings->Theme Settings->Colors. You can rename the file name extension of "Intergray.txt" and "Interblack.txt" in the themes subfolder to ".cfg" to be able to choose from pre-built themes with either black or gray accent colors.
## Battery percentage on WPS can be hidden/displayed by going to Settings->Theme Settings->Status-/Scrollbar->Battery Display.
## Interpod was initially loosely based on David Barkan's AMusicPod. Uses a converted version of the free and open-source typeface ‘Inter'.
Works with current dev build
Download Size: 5.46KB
1 vote
Submitter: Remo Hofer
Submitted: 2022-07-14 10:27:46
Downloaded 87 times
This theme is designed for the touch screen of the Shanling Q1. It is a dark mode adaption of the "Oscar Q1" theme. It uses the "absolute point" mode of the screen not only for the menu but for the wps as well. You have to turn on "absolute point" yourself. Touching the status bar will bring you from almost any screen to the wps, except in the wps it will bring you to the main menu. Some touch areas in the wps have different functions for a press and a long press. The cover art is touch sensitive as well. It opens the "wps hotkey" (which I have configured to "track info") respectably the "quickscreen" (which I have redirected to "shortcuts"). The theme requires the font "21-Adobe-Helvetica.fnt" from the Rockbox font pack.
Works with current dev build
Download Size: 5.38KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Remo Hofer
Submitted: 2022-07-09 15:21:37
Downloaded 87 times
This theme is designed for the touch screen of the Shanling Q1. It uses the "absolute point" mode of the screen not only for the menu but for the wps as well. You have to turn on "absolute point" yourself. Touching the status bar will bring you from almost any screen to the wps, except in the wps it will bring you to the main menu. Some touch areas in the wps have different functions for a press and a long press. The cover art is touch sensitive as well. It opens the "wps hotkey" (which I have configured to "track info") respectably the "quickscreen" (which I have redirected to "shortcuts"). The theme requires the font "21-Adobe-Helvetica.fnt" from the Rockbox font pack.
Works with current dev build
Download Size: 399.36KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Sadurní Font
Submitted: 2021-08-18 15:13:08
Downloaded 72 times
This theme intends to show a large amount of info, it's based on other theme I made for iPod Video.
It shows a big title/artist/album in the middle of WPS screen, on the upper side shows the current playlist and on the bottom side shows the album art, and aditional information about the current playing song and several icons showing some options status: (equalizer on/off, crossfeed on/off, replaygain type, crossfade, shuffle and repeat.
It additionally shows the estimated battery life, but currently only shows '?'.
Works with current dev build
Download Size: 765.79KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Marc Aarts
Submitted: 2021-07-15 21:33:08
Downloaded 88 times
All credit to the original authors, this theme was only adapted to 360x400 by me. lebellium Samsung-like Theme is based on the original Samsung R0 UI. The goal is to take advantage of the simple and beautiful Samsung WPS and add some missing info and improve some graphic parts at the same time. What's more in this theme compared to original Samsung's one: File codec and bitrate, Album year, Thicker progress bar, 12 or 24-hour clock, Mini-player in the other menus.
Works with current dev build
Download Size: 33.39KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Marc Aarts
Submitted: 2021-07-15 20:46:13
Downloaded 75 times
All credit to the original authors, this theme was only adapted to 360x400 by me.
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: storm (dark blue with a gray tint). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack.
HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your device (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme.
Works with current dev build