carbon_plus_unicode_bright |
carbon_plus_unicode_dark |
carbon_plus_unicode_dark |
Download Size: 2.15MB
0 votes.
Submitter: Frank Jacosen
Submitted: 2024-08-26 09:46:21
Downloaded 23 times
Bright version of Carbon Plus Convert by Mike Park, Main UI Fonts used a CJK 23/18Point Unicode Font. Dynamic Volume Bar. (add. 14 Adobe-Helvetica-Bold, 11-Sazanami-Mincho required), V1.03: Hold/Lockscreen: More Info, Mini PlayNext Viewer, V1.01: Geometry corrections. [CJK-Unicode Font Corporate-Logo-Rounded Version 10.050 converted with convttf for different Sizes and Targets, SIL Open Font License (OFL), ]
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 2.18MB
0 votes.
Submitter: Frank Jacobsen
Submitted: 2024-08-26 09:33:14
Downloaded 3 times
Dark version of Carbon Plus Convert by Mike Park, Main UI Fonts used a CJK 23/18Point Unicode Font. Dynamic Volume Bar. (add. 14 Adobe-Helvetica-Bold, 11-Sazanami-Mincho required), V1.03: Hold/Lockscreen: More Info, Mini PlayNext Viewer, V1.01: Geometry corrections. [CJK-Unicode Font Corporate-Logo-Rounded Version 10.050 converted with convttf for different Sizes and Targets, SIL Open Font License (OFL), ]
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 2.18MB
0 votes.
Submitter: Frank Jacobsen
Submitted: 2024-08-12 10:42:10
Downloaded 18 times
Dark version of Carbon Plus Convert by Mike Park, Main UI Fonts used a CJK 23/18Point Unicode Font. Dynamic Volume Bar. (add. 14 Adobe-Helvetica-Bold required), V1.01: Geometry corrections. [CJK-Unicode Font Corporate-Logo-Rounded Version 10.050 converted with convttf for different Sizes and Targets, SIL Open Font License (OFL), ]
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
GrayBoradio3 |
Grayboradio |
Interpod |
Download Size: 175.05KB
0 votes.
Submitter: E. Halpin
Submitted: 2024-03-03 19:54:52
Downloaded 164 times
3/13/2024: Update to my grayscale version of Eugene Averyanov's excellent port of Rayboradio_OB theme for Samsung YP-R0 and all 240x320 targets. Tested on FIIO M3k.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 174.56KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Eamon Halpin
Submitted: 2024-01-17 00:06:41
Downloaded 357 times
1/16/2024: Update to my grayscale version of Eugene Averyanov's excellent port of Rayboradio_OB theme for Samsung YP-R0 and all 240x320 targets: Added miniature album art to SBS screen. Replaced Inter-V font with Inter-V-padded font. Added track formation information to top bar on WPS
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 442.95KB
3 votes.
Submitter: Christian Soffke
Submitted: 2023-08-01 02:05:58
Downloaded 997 times
Interpod Rev. 4 (Slightly reduced corner radius of album art)
## Refer to ".rockbox/themes/Interpod_changelog.txt" for a complete list of changes
## Battery percentage on WPS can be toggled by going to Settings->Theme Settings->Status-/Scrollbar->Battery Display.
## Loosely based on David Barkan's AMusicPod. Uses a converted version of the free and open-source typeface ‘Inter'
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Nightpod |
cyan |
munchie |
Download Size: 441.61KB
6 votes.
Submitter: Christian Soffke
Submitted: 2023-08-01 02:04:14
Downloaded 1329 times
Nightpod Rev. 4 (Slightly reduced corner radius of album art)
## Dark version of Interpod theme
## Refer to ".rockbox/themes/Nightpod_changelog.txt" for a complete list of changes
## Battery percentage on WPS can be toggled by going to Settings->Theme Settings->Status-/Scrollbar->Battery Display.
## Loosely based on David Barkan's AMusicPod. Uses a converted version of the free and open-source typeface ‘Inter'
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 189.14KB
1 vote
Submitter: Torsten Crass
Submitted: 2023-06-30 21:11:04
Downloaded 139 times
A RockBox theme which uses large fonts and distinctly colored graphical elements to convey a plethora of information that can easily be perceived even at a rather short glimpse and/or if your eye-sight is (like mine) somewhat sub-optimal.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 91.95KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Phil Dennison
Submitted: 2023-06-26 00:13:53
Downloaded 198 times
Based on my iPod Classic theme 'poppetaa'. Written for, and tested on, a GigaBeat F, so there is no FM option. If no album art is present a Rockbox logo is displayed.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Interbellium Black |
Interbellium |
Graybordio2 |
Download Size: 194.67KB
1 vote
Submitter: Bas Ammerlaan
Submitted: 2023-04-23 23:07:49
Downloaded 235 times
Based on lebellium Samsung-like by Ludovic Jakimon (,43102.0.html) and Interpod by Christian Soffke (
I wanted the cleaner looks of Interpod but the amount of information of lebellium
Edited for FiiO M3k
Black version with different icons
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 185.51KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Bas Ammerlaan
Submitted: 2023-04-23 22:55:26
Downloaded 174 times
Based on lebellium Samsung-like by Ludovic Jakimon (,43102.0.html) and Interpod by Christian Soffke (
I wanted the cleaner looks of Interpod but the amount of information of lebellium
Edited for FiiO M3k
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 217.28KB
1 vote
Submitter: Eamon Halpin
Submitted: 2023-04-11 02:25:06
Downloaded 272 times
Updated: 4/10/23. Corrected positioning of text elements on top status bar. Corrected position of hold icon so it's not hidden by battery numerical display. Updated: 3/19/23. Replaced Adobe-Helvetica fonts with Inter-V-padded, Inter-V, and Dosis-SemiBold fonts. The new fonts are anti-aliased and much smoother than the original ones. Made a few other minor adjustments too. Original Description: This is my grayscale version of Eugene Averyanov's excellent port of Rayboradio_OB theme for Samsung YP-R0 and all 240x320 targets. I've reduced the number of text lines below the album art from 5 to 3 and incorporated the information in other places on the WPS screen. With just three lines of text, I was able to increase the font size. I think this change results in a more streamlined look. Some other minor changes too.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
redux m3k |
Clock Lock Larger |
BBL2 |
Download Size: 51.59KB
9 votes.
Submitter: Christian Soffke
Submitted: 2022-04-25 01:20:45
Downloaded 724 times
Redux m3k Rev. 0
## Port of redux theme (320x240) by Justin Fite, remixed for screen res of 240x320. Menu icons by c-yu (yuuiko), from the InfoMatrix-v2 theme.
## See theme files for original credits
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 4.45KB
4 votes.
Submitter: Patrice Levesque
Submitted: 2021-07-12 05:59:03
Downloaded 476 times
Based on the clock_lock2 theme by Clark Locke; main difference is a slightly different layout to account for larger fonts. Also, because the device is not monochrome like the original Sansa Clip on which the original theme is based on, some very slight tinting has been applied.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 34.99KB
11 votes.
Submitter: Wilfried Ehrenfeld
Submitted: 2016-04-28 12:38:59
Downloaded 3423 times
BBL2: Started as a port of BBL1 on Sansa Clip Zip. Shows Album Art if available. Shows decimal volume level and decimal battery level when volume pressed (for 2 sec.). Shows decimal battery level when charging.
First Release 2016-04-28. Enjoy.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Carbon Plus |
Carbon |
Basta-FP |
Download Size: 290.70KB
13 votes.
Submitter: Mike Park
Submitted: 2015-04-01 19:38:19
Downloaded 4688 times
Carbon Plus is a dark theme with an emphasis on indoor / outdoor visibility. Includes a larger custom AA font called DroidSans, 200px WPS Album Art, Radio FMS skin using station RDS data, New custom icons set, Viewers File Types icon config, Custom backdrop, LED Drive activity, Battery, Volume, Repeat and Shuffle indicators, Special feature on this version (Now playing data on UI Menus) Tip: Hover over the theme preview pic to see an example.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 183.75KB
4 votes.
Submitter: Mike Park
Submitted: 2015-04-01 19:32:52
Downloaded 3342 times
Carbon is a dark theme with an emphasis on indoor / outdoor visibility. Includes a larger custom AA font called DroidSans, 200px WPS Album Art, Radio FMS skin using station RDS data, New custom icons set, Viewers File Types icon config, Custom backdrop, LED Drive activity, Battery, Volume, Repeat and Shuffle indicators.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.78KB
21 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-05-18 16:59:10
Downloaded 4359 times
REQUIRES THE LATEST DEV BUILD (or Rockbox 3.14), as well as the font 14-Nimbus.fnt from the Rockbox Font Pack (in extras). Please reboot after installing the theme or switching to another one. Basta-FP is an adaptation for the Fuze+ of the Basta theme for the iPod Classic. The color of the status bar can be changed with the color picker in the Theme Settings menu. A set of extra color presets is included in the zip archive as *.txt files that need to be renamed to *.cfg: Blue, Green, Lime, Orange, Scarlet and Storm. The battery display can be changed to show a percentage instead of an icon, in the Theme Settings -> Status/Scrollbar -> Battery Display menu. NOTE ABOUT ICONS: this theme includes icons for pointer and directories. Comments and suggestions: See also:
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Elem |
ALiEn+ |
grayfog |
Download Size: 472.80KB
10 votes.
Submitter: Vicente Chung
Submitted: 2014-03-08 00:34:02
Downloaded 4690 times
1.0 - Large album art, analog clock, dynamic artist/song title viewport, distinctive icons to clearly indicate status
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 19.45KB
5 votes.
Submitter: Alec Stolarski
Submitted: 2014-02-22 23:53:45
Downloaded 6215 times
Really like the ALiEn theme, wanted it on my Fuze+ So.. ALiEn theme by KiwiCam ported to Fuze+ to match bigger screen size. Added 30-Artwiz-Snap.fnt too. Album art or ALiEn picture on pause as an extra bonus.
Fixed due to theme engine changes
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 207.42KB
11 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-22 16:17:38
Downloaded 6935 times
Based on Acuity, by Phalangees (Kyle Kamperschroer). Fullscreen album art (240x240) with progress bar, default icon (music note) when AA is missing. FM Radio screen included. Bottom status displays volume, storage activity and battery charge. Volume turns yellow and then red when > 0dB, and so does the battery charge when < 10%. Requires '14-Nimbus.fnt' and '08-Rockfont.fnt' from the standard Rockbox font pack. UPDATED January 22, 2014: REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). Fixed FM Radio artwork and metadata.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Googley-FuzePlus-Clippy |
Googley-FuzePlus-Scarlet |
Googley-FuzePlus-Storm |
Download Size: 22.06KB
25 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:58:11
Downloaded 5598 times
Googley-FuzePlus variant with Clip+ colors (high contrast). UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.81KB
13 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:55:08
Downloaded 4576 times
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: scarlet (dark red with an orange tint). UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.76KB
9 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:53:54
Downloaded 4844 times
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: storm (dark blue with a gray tint). UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Googley-FuzePlus-Green |
Googley-FuzePlus-Orange |
Googley-FuzePlus-Blue |
Download Size: 45.76KB
6 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:52:28
Downloaded 4445 times
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: green. UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.77KB
8 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:51:10
Downloaded 4298 times
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: orange. UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.73KB
11 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:50:00
Downloaded 4846 times
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: blue. UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Googley-FuzePlus-Lime |
iPodLike |
clock_lock2_fuze |
Download Size: 45.73KB
8 votes.
Submitter: Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien
Submitted: 2014-01-13 09:48:42
Downloaded 4223 times
Theme based on Google artwork and colors: lime (light green with a yellow tint). UPDATED January 12, 2013: added hold switch indicator, removed unnecessary workarounds. REQUIRES BUILD 193911a OR LATER (or Rockbox 3.14). While Playing Screen features track number and title, artist name, album title with release date (if album title is short enough), album art, progress bar and playback indicators. When soft hold is on, artist name is replaced with album artist name, and album title is replaced with release date and codec information. That behavior can be changed: if you set the "status bar" setting (in the theme settings menu) to anything other than "off", release date is always displayed next to the album title. SBS (menu screen) features current playing song, with miniature album art. FM Radio screen included. Top status bar displays volume (emphasized when > 0dB), storage activity (emphasized when active), and battery charge (emphasized when < 10%). The theme is designed to work with either 14-Nimbus or 19-Nimbus from the official Rockbox font pack. HOW TO INSTALL: unpack the zip archive at the root of your Fuze+ (tell your unpacking software to overwrite existing files). Then, load the theme, turn off your Fuze+ and turn it back on. You only have to reboot once; after that, you can load any of the other five themes without rebooting.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 86.36KB
14 votes.
Submitter: Denis Slastinin
Submitted: 2013-10-08 07:28:50
Downloaded 5852 times
Theme like iPod
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 5.79KB
8 votes.
Submitter: Clark Locke
Submitted: 2013-09-15 03:39:24
Downloaded 4507 times
Lockscreen 12h/24h clock -- Place the player in LOCK/HOLD mode (select+home) will display a large font clock. Pause displays the track details. Pause + Lock will display system info.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
lebellium Samsung-like |
Ignus |
Dani |
Download Size: 612.39KB
28 votes.
Submitter: Ludovic Jakimon
Submitted: 2013-03-28 22:55:28
Downloaded 8773 times
v1.67 - lebellium Samsung-like Theme is based on the original Samsung R0 UI. The goal is to take advantage of the simple and beautiful Samsung WPS and add some missing info and improve some graphic parts at the same time. What's more in this theme compared to original Samsung's one: File codec and bitrate, Album year, Thicker progress bar, 12 or 24-hour clock, Mini-player in the other menus. This theme also features a RDS- compatible FM UI. New in this version: fix battery indicator & FM signal strength code
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 186.70KB
13 votes.
Submitter: Junior Ibarra
Submitted: 2013-01-25 21:52:29
Downloaded 5992 times
Basado en el tema Ambiance de Eduardo Rivas. Ha sido adaptado a pantallas con resolucion 240x320 y se han realizado algunas modificanes extras para hacer mas vistoso el menu principal. El tema es vuestro disfrutenlo =)
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 162.62KB
12 votes.
Submitter: Junior Ibarra
Submitted: 2013-01-23 22:39:11
Downloaded 6222 times
A theme based on Ambiance by Eduardo Rivas, with the necessary adaptations for 240x320 screens, with a blue and grey scheme and some minor changes:
Album art is show on Main menu
Text label on Top panel
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
BadEyes |
seek_n_destroy_knitted |
seek_n_destroy_modified |
Download Size: 122.51KB
10 votes.
Submitter: Alec Stolarski
Submitted: 2013-01-22 20:40:56
Downloaded 5435 times
"BadEyes". A version of "Cabbie" for visually impaired users, includes 50-DroidSans-Bold.fnt and requires 27-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold.fnt from font pack.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 465.31KB
3 votes.
Submitter: Jake Owen
Submitted: 2012-12-06 13:14:43
Downloaded 5387 times
Exactly as seek_n_destroy_modified but with knitted background rather than the skull.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 341.34KB
3 votes.
Submitter: Jake Owen
Submitted: 2012-12-06 12:58:55
Downloaded 5093 times
Modification of Mike Park's Seek-n-destroy theme.
- Addition of current playing details to file browser as per picture.
- New FM fms (still needs further improvement)
- Correction to incorrect play/stop symbols when using fm radio (Previously showed rewind symbol for all fm modes)
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Fuzion+Dark |
Fuzion+ Light |
seek_n_destroy |
Download Size: 99.89KB
4 votes.
Submitter: Sean Carrigan
Submitted: 2012-10-30 03:05:11
Downloaded 5541 times
A somewhat complex theme that features large, centered Album Art. Emphasis is placed on the menu, album art, and main song information. Supplementary information, such as the clock, date, volume, battery, format, and bitrate are present, but not emphasized. This makes it easy to see information you want to easier and quicker, while holding on the the technical information.
Suggestion: DroidSans does not support Non-Roman Characters, so if this is a problem, 18-Fixed-Bold is a viable alternative Font.
Version 0.1, 10/29/2012
Uses DroidSans from Ludovic Jakimon's "lebellium Samsung-like" and images from Humberto Santana's "SpartanBlack."
Thank You.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 113.20KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Sean Carrigan
Submitted: 2012-10-30 03:01:38
Downloaded 5651 times
A somewhat complex theme that features large, centered Album Art. Emphasis is placed on the menu, album art, and main song information. Supplementary information, such as the clock, date, volume, battery, format, and bitrate are present, but not emphasized. This makes it easy to information you want to see easier and quicker, while holding on the the technical information.
Suggestion: DroidSans does not support Non-Roman Characters, so if this is a problem, 18-Fixed-Bold is a viable alternative Font.
Version 0.1, 10/29/2012
Uses DroidSans from Ludovic Jakimon's "lebellium Samsung-like" and images from Humberto Santana's "SpartanBlack."
Thank You.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 249.36KB
9 votes.
Submitter: Mike Park
Submitted: 2012-10-17 21:42:28
Downloaded 6638 times
This simple dark colored theme looks similar to the official Sansa theme with larger (220x220) Now Playing album artwork. Includes the font "Ubuntu 18 bold". *required for proper display. Also located in the AA Font Pack available at the Rockbox Extras page. Includes a custom Navigation, Radio and Now Playing screen. Also includes a new set of icons + icon file types config. Track info is max width and scrolling.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
OptimalInfo-BIG |
OptimalInfo |
WoT |
Download Size: 41.48KB
5 votes.
Submitter: Daniel Weck
Submitted: 2012-06-01 12:58:11
Downloaded 5428 times
OptimalInfo is a high-contrast coloured theme with minimalist graphics, which displays an optimal amount of information using an easy-to-read 9-line layout (or 10 lines + 2 extra blank spacing for taller displays) based on a legible font. Layout tricks such as alternating line text, as well as separate screens for volume and seek controls, are used to maximise usability whilst reserving screen real estate for high-priority information.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 49.48KB
4 votes.
Submitter: Daniel Weck
Submitted: 2012-06-01 12:54:20
Downloaded 5827 times
OptimalInfo is a high-contrast coloured theme with minimalist graphics, which displays an optimal amount of information using an easy-to-read 9-line layout (or 10 lines + 2 extra blank spacing for taller displays) based on a legible font. Layout tricks such as alternating line text, as well as separate screens for volume and seek controls, are used to maximise usability whilst reserving screen real estate for high-priority information.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 226.96KB
12 votes.
Submitter: Kyle Condon
Submitted: 2012-04-23 16:03:55
Downloaded 6150 times
This theme is a reworking so to speak of the Druppel Theme, which is based on some other theme, which was based on some other theme...I think.
Anyways, after using the Druppel theme there were certain spacing and design issues that bothered me so I decided to learn how to make these themes and went at reworking the Druppel them. This is my first theme, so don't judge too harshly.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Wavy |
Rayboradio_ypr0 |
Medieval |
Download Size: 33.15KB
10 votes.
Submitter: Frank Gevaerts
Submitted: 2012-03-01 19:03:50
Downloaded 5584 times
Wavy, in any way I could think of. This theme uses some of the newest features in the skinning engine, so it might still show some issues (although fewer than the previous upload).
Now with peakmeters
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 40.55KB
46 votes.
Submitter: Eugene Averyanov
Submitted: 2012-02-26 17:49:05
Downloaded 10491 times
A port of Rayboradio_OB theme for Samsung YP-R0 and all 240x320 targets. You'll need a 21 and 12-Adobe-Helvetica.fnt from rockbox font pack to get this theme working.
v1.0 - Initial release
v1.1 - Added skin for FM radio screen. Some other minor changes.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 379.72KB
49 votes.
Submitter: Frank Gevaerts
Submitted: 2012-02-21 22:47:49
Downloaded 5992 times
A theme with a medieval look.
This theme uses the relatively new skinned list feature.
In the WPS, remaining playback time is shown by the candle on the left. The number of trumpet players on the right will increase with volume, and the pile of logs near the lower right indicates remaining battery.
Note that as of 2012-02-21, there are still some bugs in the skin engine that may make some parts of the theme misbehave.
In the menus, the initial letter of items will be red if it differs from the previous initial.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Aurora |
Thin Basic |
arboxWidgets |
Download Size: 233.24KB
7 votes.
Submitter: Robert Menes
Submitted: 2011-12-21 14:01:41
Downloaded 6262 times
An update of an old Gigabeat theme to use the modern WPS syntax. Uses GNU-Unifont for multi-lingual tags (see the additional screenshots for examples), with plenty of information onscreen: battery life, disk access, peak meters, title/artist/album/year/genre/track number tag support, and displays album art at 200x200. Best on the Gigabeat F/X; this theme does not include radio or recording skins, but feel free to create some! Original by Christine Tham, and licensed under CC-by-SA with the original author's blessing. Special thanks to the forum members who helped me get the syntax up to speed. Feel free to remix and update!
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 544.10KB
10 votes.
Submitter: Drew Vosburg
Submitted: 2011-01-25 18:32:45
Downloaded 6749 times
This is a simple, familiar theme that adjusts to your settings. You can change the clock, battery, volume, font, colors, and backdrop through the GUI. Alternate backdrops are included, and credits are in the .cfg file. Feedback:,27041.0.html
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 97.97KB
23 votes.
Submitter: Humberto Santana
Submitted: 2010-11-09 17:02:05
Downloaded 9333 times
Ported from the iPod video theme. THIS UPDATE: skin ram usage reduced, replaygain display fixed for recent builds FONTS NEEDED: 16-Adobe-Helvetica and 21-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold. Suggestions/bugs please here:
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
RBx |
retroTape |
WLKR16n |
Download Size: 29.24KB
10 votes.
Submitter: Hamish Forbes
Submitted: 2010-09-18 00:24:31
Downloaded 7442 times
I wanted a professional clean theme for my Toshiba Gigabeat, since most of the current themes were not to my taste, I decided to make my own, the result is RBx. I'm using the theme so am constantly making small improvements, any substantial functionality improvement made, I will be sure to update it here. Feedback is welcome, my e-mail is supplied with the readme. Thanks to the work of SpartanBlack by Humberto Santana for some use of material.
Current Version 0.2.1
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 163.82KB
21 votes.
Submitter: Humberto Santana
Submitted: 2010-08-19 19:00:15
Downloaded 9047 times
A port of the iPod video theme. THIS UPDATE: Rounded Tape + Wheels spinning in the real direction + MUCH bigger AA in inlay card (menus) + Coorected syntax for current builds FONTS NEEDED: 11-Nimbus & 12-Nimbus [suggestions/bugs please here: ]
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 6.41KB
32 votes.
Submitter: Mizushima Tatsuya
Submitted: 2010-08-11 17:08:36
Downloaded 7427 times
I want to make a skin which is looks simple and has very... very... HUGE AA display. This skin is no language depending design, so all information are presented by icons.(but except "dB"^^;) I make this skin from scratch for current build. Please use 16dot font for properly appearance. (Bold font recommended.)
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Rockboxed |
Pen&Paper |
Druppel |
Download Size: 5.78KB
6 votes.
Submitter: Stephen Carroll
Submitted: 2010-07-12 18:21:19
Downloaded 7632 times
Taken from the current build. Rockboxed is made by Roan Horning.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 179.24KB
18 votes.
Submitter: Rob Schmersel
Submitted: 2010-06-12 06:20:24
Downloaded 9125 times
A conversion of JohanSwetzen's iPod Pen&Paper theme for the Gigabeat. Apart from the obvious resolution changes nothing has been changed.
3th July 2008: * Updated to support changed tags * Added line selector colours -- RobSchmersel - 08
Nov 2007 28 Sep 2008 : I updated font names and switched the background to the one from the remix pack since it features a cross-pad instead of a wheel. It's compatible with v3.0. -- JustinHannigan
June 11th, 2010:
* Updated to the new tag syntax
* Updated Font name to align with Rockbox naming scheme
* Finally remove '&' from the theme name
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 450.99KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Frank Gevaerts
Submitted: 2010-04-04 20:17:45
Downloaded 7373 times
Originally based on cabbiev2 (although there are lots of changes). This one shows the next track, and the composer. The new version comes with a custom statusbar.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
UniCatcher |
iCatcher |
atwTheme |
Download Size: 16.82KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Stephen Carroll
Submitted: 2010-03-02 19:09:17
Downloaded 7225 times
Taken from the current build. UniCatcher is made by Ioannis Koutoulakis.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 16.29KB
1 vote
Submitter: Stephen Carroll
Submitted: 2010-03-02 19:06:50
Downloaded 7657 times
Taken from the current build. iCatcher is made by Ioannis Koutoulakis.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 15.67KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Aidan Wallace
Submitted: 2010-02-21 03:58:31
Downloaded 6998 times
I made this theme for my own use to display important track information large so that I can quickly look at the screen. Also it displays less vital information in a smaller font, such as album, duration, genre.
I have created the whole theme myself so there are no copyright issues.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
SpartanBlack |
rockit [lb] |
rockit [lr] |
Download Size: 26.90KB
16 votes.
Submitter: Humberto Santana
Submitted: 2010-02-13 06:06:14
Downloaded 9416 times
Ported from the iPod Video version, this is a minimalistic theme made to highlight 240x240 Album Art images. When on "hold", extra info is displayed: crossfade, replaygain, codec & bitrate, year, playlist, next track & next artist. This Update: SBS. [for better album art displaying quality, a minimum size of 240x240 is recommended for AA images; uses 12-Nimbus font] Suggestions/Bugs please here:
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 44.51KB
3 votes.
Submitter: Thomas Kirkpatrick
Submitted: 2010-02-11 23:31:36
Downloaded 7416 times
**rockit** light/blue edition
.wps features: 165x165px album art; current and upcoming id3 info; battery, volume, and progress bars; time, date, playlist position, time elapsed, total time; and shuffle, repeat, and mode icons. .sbs features: time, day, date; time elapsed, total time, progress bar; and current artist and track. uses tango icons from cabbie 2.0 by Keith Perri
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.66KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Thomas Kirkpatrick
Submitted: 2010-02-11 20:06:15
Downloaded 7005 times
**rockit** light/red edition, light/blue, dark/red, and dark/blue on the way :)
.wps features: 165x165px album art; current and upcoming id3 info; battery, volume, and progress bars; time, date, playlist position, time elapsed, total time; and shuffle, repeat, and mode icons.
.sbs features: time, day, date; time elapsed, total time, progress bar; and current artist and track.
uses tango icons from cabbie 2.0 by Keith Perri
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
citrate |
Alone |
Amarok |
Download Size: 47.40KB
3 votes.
Submitter: Thomas Kirkpatrick
Submitted: 2010-02-04 23:14:25
Downloaded 7052 times
citrate v1.0 // simple, easy-on-the-eyes theme, shows 125x125 px album art and basic information. uses "tangoviewer" icons from cabbie 2.0 by Keith Perri
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 109.84KB
1 vote
Submitter: Javacris PL
Submitted: 2010-01-31 21:07:48
Downloaded 7575 times
Theme based on Acuity by Kyle Kamperschroer.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 144.89KB
6 votes.
Submitter: Gary Light
Submitted: 2009-11-27 00:07:23
Downloaded 8772 times
Inspired by amarok 1.86 (a beta of amarok 2.0) and KDE 4. Includes the oxygen icons for ROCKbox.
Photoshop source
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Acuity |
Grunge |
Download Size: 85.43KB
5 votes.
Submitter: Alex Parker
Submitted: 2009-10-22 07:25:34
Downloaded 7827 times
A custom status bar, ui viewport, differently coloured, with a bigger font and album art version of Cabbie v2.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 117.85KB
7 votes.
Submitter: Kyle Kamperschroer
Submitted: 2009-07-28 17:10:09
Downloaded 8647 times
Author: Phalangees (Kyle Kamperschroer)
Acuity is a very simple theme I made. Everything is text based so there are not any extra images. Album art is 240x240. I hope you enjoy it.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 417.33KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Dave B.
Submitted: 2009-06-02 04:04:05
Downloaded 6934 times
A new flavor of Crillum, with a Web 2.0-ish background. Progress and volume bars got some new shine in this edition. Best enjoyed with album art, but there are alternate images when it isn't present. Source .xcf file is available and is well-labelled if anyone would like to modify this theme.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Crillum |
Film |
baa |
Download Size: 101.06KB
3 votes.
Submitter: Dave B.
Submitted: 2009-06-02 03:56:07
Downloaded 7605 times
My first attempt at a professional-looking theme for the Gigabeat. I'm quite proud of the background. I would gladly share the source file, but it's a PSD (which I haven't looked at in years) and I'm guessing the layers weren't maintained very well and are poorly labelled.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 45.60KB
7 votes.
Submitter: Rob Schmersel
Submitted: 2009-05-12 00:30:38
Downloaded 6916 times
Recreation of a sansa theme (which I can not find anymore). Volume and Battery indicators are included in film role holes on the side. Support 200x200 album art.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 29.48KB
5 votes.
Submitter: Rob Schmersel
Submitted: 2009-05-07 07:53:09
Downloaded 6920 times
For testing the new jpeg AlbumArt functionality I created a simple "Big Album Art" theme, which uses the unifont font (inspired by an old zune theme).
Tought some people might enjoy it, so here it is
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
DarkInfo |
Create |
Contrast |
Download Size: 21.50KB
2 votes.
Submitter: Thor Kooda
Submitted: 2009-04-20 03:09:38
Downloaded 7466 times
This is a very simple theme with big white text on a solid black background and lots of info displayed in While Playing Screen. Shows current track number, artist, album, and track title above a progress bar, followed by track time elapsed, percentage elapsed, and track time left. Alternates current directory info, file info, and battery info. Scrolls the name of the next artist, album, and track.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 146.50KB
30 votes.
Submitter: Clément Pit--Claudel
Submitted: 2009-04-06 19:24:11
Downloaded 7564 times
This theme was designed using Adobe Illustrator (simply contact me to get the source files). The font used (segmcr) was taken from Slant theme (by ChrisBanes) ; most icons are Tango. The aim of this theme is to display a light interface. Fell free to modify/reuse it, but don't forget to add my name to your work :).
Info displayed :
* Artist, Album (Year), Title
* Next Artist, Album, Title
* Volume in dB
* Shuffle/Repeat/Hold status
* Drive activity indicator
* 100*100 Cover art display (hidden when hold is on)
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 32.34KB
0 votes.
Submitter: Gary Light
Submitted: 2009-04-03 04:41:04
Downloaded 7169 times
A clean and clear theme that uses a large font and displays the most essential info only.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
CabbieBB |
ROFLCopter |
Rhombic Red |
Download Size: 132.59KB
9 votes.
Submitter: Alex Parker
Submitted: 2009-03-25 17:37:41
Downloaded 9865 times
Based on Cabbie v2 (Johannes Voggenthaler, Keith Perri, Yohann Misquittawith) a bigger font, tweaked time and date (the time/date adapts to 24/12 hour clock) and slightly bigger album art. Uses the font 16-Terminus-Bold which is included in the Rockbox font pack.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 11.56KB
6 votes.
Submitter: David Kauffmann
Submitted: 2009-03-25 12:06:12
Downloaded 6632 times
This is a simple text-Based WPS which displays a ROFLCopter flying around your screen, the info part of it is copied off of a theme by Peter Olson called "Detailed Text WPS".
My ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi!
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 144.13KB
3 votes.
Submitter: David Kauffmann
Submitted: 2009-03-25 12:01:43
Downloaded 6478 times
I created this WPS under the premise to acccompany the "Cross" Hardware design of the Gigabeat players. The volume indicator is using conditional viewports, and is displayed on the ordinate of the cross, while all the playstate conditions are displayed on the abscissa.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Rhombic Grey |
Rhombic Green |
Rhombic Golden |
Download Size: 95.63KB
1 vote
Submitter: David Kauffmann
Submitted: 2009-03-25 12:00:49
Downloaded 6257 times
I created this WPS under the premise to acccompany the "Cross" Hardware design of the Gigabeat players. The volume indicator is using conditional viewports, and is displayed on the ordinate of the cross, while all the playstate conditions are displayed on the abscissa.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 141.78KB
3 votes.
Submitter: David Kauffmann
Submitted: 2009-03-25 11:59:13
Downloaded 6581 times
I created this WPS under the premise to acccompany the "Cross" Hardware design of the Gigabeat players. The volume indicator is using conditional viewports, and is displayed on the ordinate of the cross, while all the playstate conditions are displayed on the abscissa.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 63.20KB
0 votes.
Submitter: David Kauffmann
Submitted: 2009-03-25 11:44:54
Downloaded 6324 times
I created this WPS under the premise to acccompany the "Cross" Hardware design of the Gigabeat players. The volume indicator is using conditional viewports, and is displayed on the ordinate of the cross, while all the playstate conditions are displayed on the abscissa.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Rhombic Blue |
gigaWidgets |
UnhelpfulAA |
Download Size: 137.17KB
3 votes.
Submitter: David Kauffmann
Submitted: 2009-03-25 11:27:49
Downloaded 6642 times
I created this WPS under the premise to acccompany the "Cross" Hardware design of the Gigabeat players. The volume indicator is using conditional viewports, and is displayed on the ordinate of the cross, while all the playstate conditions are displayed on the abscissa.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 87.17KB
18 votes.
Submitter: Keith Perri
Submitted: 2009-03-25 04:11:53
Downloaded 9319 times
This is my version of HumbertoSantana's arboxWidgets Gigabeat port.
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15
Download Size: 1.53KB
7 votes.
Submitter: Andrew Mahone
Submitted: 2009-03-23 15:54:17
Downloaded 7118 times
A simple theme that uses the standard status bar, and displays maximum-sized album art and basic track information
Works with current dev build
Works with release 3.15